Become a Mosa's friend

Uw bijdrage

maakt het verschil

Als je gelooft dat cultuur, artistieke expressie en onderwijs op het hoogste niveau een essentiële plaats verdienen in de samenleving;

Als je, net als wij, gelooft dat jonge getalenteerde dansers, ongeacht waar ze vandaan komen, recht hebben op een helpende hand om hun volledige potentieel te realiseren;

Jij kunt ons helpen om deze nieuwe weg naar uitmuntendheid te bewandelen, als een meer menselijke, meer samenwerkingsgerichte weg.

Make a simple donation

If you wish to make a donation to the Mosa Ballet School, you can do so directly to the school’s account, indicating “donation” in the communication.

IBAN: BE50 0689 4092 8218 (Belfius)

Tax reduction, how does it work?

The ‘Friends of Mosa Ballet School Fund’ is managed by the King Baudouin Foundation and is divided in 3 categories of donation. In order to qualify for a tax reduction (whether you are acting as a natural or legal person), donations must be transferred to the account :

IBAN: BE10 0000 0000 0404 (King Baudouin Foundation)

with one the following structured communication comparing to the choosen category:

Donate for Sponsoring Underprivileged Students

Structured communication:

+++ 623/3817/50077 +++

Donate now For Societal and Therapeutic Program

Structured communication:

+++ 623/3817/60080 +++

Donate now For Educational Material and Infrastructure

Structured communication:

+++ 623/3817/70083 +++

To be specific, this means you will receive a tax document (as from 40 EUR), which will be sent in the course of the subsequent year. Therefore, you will be able to recover 45% of the sum transferred. This means a contribution of 50 EUR will actually only cost you 27.50 EUR.

For any assistance, please contact us at:

Join the circle of Founding Friends

Thanks to the Founding Friends of Mosa Ballet School, the school can take its first steps comfortably and with confidence, knowing its continued existence is guaranteed during the first few years of activity.

We offer the rare opportunity to contribute to the birth of an international institution and the creation of a legacy for posterity.

You can join this primary support circle up until the school opens.

For information, please contact

Become a benefactor
or sponsor a project at the school that you care about

You may also choose to focus your support on something important to you, on particular programmes or specific school activities.

We are looking for committed partners, who are willing to support, e.g.:

> study grants for underprivileged student
> state-of-the-art musical and sports equipment
> ‘green’ and sustainable equipmen
> dance costume
> the ‘self-care’ programme provided to pupil
> the organisation of our annual perfomance
> the organisation of selection auditions and intensive internship
> the creation of adapted and inclusive dance workshops for a fragile audience

We invite you to discuss how we can shape your ideal approach, and work together to establish a tailored partnership.

For any questions or input relating to different opportunities, please contact