Our partners

Founding friends

Mosa Ballet School would not have been possible without the essential contribution from its Founding Friends. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the trust they have placed in us, even before the school opened, to realise our vision of excellence, caring and collaboration.

Monsieur et Madame Jean-Jacques De Cloedt
Monsieur et Madame Jean De Cloedt
Monsieur Stephan Uhoda

Institutional support

 Mosa Ballet School also receives financial support from the Rayonnement Wallonie grant, an initiative of the Walloon Government.

Foundations and private sponsors

Monsieur et Madame Jean-Guillaume Zurstrassen
Madame Valérie Janssen
Madame Patrick Limauge
Madame Véronique Collinet
Madame Caroline Collinet
Le Comte et la Comtesse Christophe d’Ansembourg
Monsieur Baudouin Collinet
Madame Stéphanie de Pauw
Madame Framboise Boël
Monsieur et Madame Cabay
Madame Annick Lebrun
Monsieur Jean-Louis Berryer
La Baronne Caroline de Vicq de Cumptich
Madame Odile Matthieu de Wynendaele
Madame Virginie Saillez

Cultural partners

Mosa Ballet School offers its heartfelt thanks for the enthusiasm and generosity provided by not only those in the world of dance, but also individuals in the public, economic, social and cultural sectors. And particularly:

 Mosa Ballet School would also like to thank all beneficiaries who have offered their support and enthusiasm to date
dA Architectes (architects’ studio) – Servais Engineering Architectural – Ecorce (consultants) – La société LIXON S.A (entrepreneur) – Air (agency)
Globule bleu (agency) – Scalp (agency)

Your contribution makes the difference!

If you believe that culture, artistic expression, and education at the highest level deserve an essential place in society;  If, like us, you believe that young talented dancers, wherever they come from, deserve a helping hand to realise their full potential;  You can help us to uphold this new path towards excellence, as a more human, more collaborative path.