The school’s philosophy

What is the essence
of our approach?

Mosa wants to embody the ballet school of tomorrow. The school’s mission involves reconciling the demands of excellence in ballet training, the humanity of their students and teachers, and impact on the community, through the Quand on Danse social program. We train dancers to become the(ir) best, but also to become mindful and solidary individuals. 

What are the key points of Mosa’s teaching philosophy?

Mosa Ballet School clearly focuses on an education where the students are adapted to the reality of the current and future ballet world.  When you think about ballet education, you have to think “global”.

It’s important that students have not only a classical education, but also a very strong and full contemporary education. Nowadays, almost all companies are very eclectic, so the school will work with choreographers and have them make workshops and create pieces for the students to guarantee an eclectic education.

As far as learning techniques are concerned, Mosa will use Russian training that is adjusted and evolved to reality and useful to the students.

Personal balance and well-being of the students are at the heart of Mosa’s vision. Yoga, tai chi, Gaga are therefore part of the curriculum. Besides, a team of professionals will support the students, physically and mentally.

The values that drive us


Mosa Ballet School aims to become one of the world’s best ballet schools. However, it takes more than ambition alone. This is why we use resources that match our objective: a demanding pedagogic framework, a truly professionalising programme, high-quality education run in parallel, but also an international vision, cutting-edge infrastructure, global and close support for every pupil.


High-level ballet training is a challenge, not only in physical and artistic terms, but also at a psychological level. It takes sacrifices to become a great dancer. However, suffering cannot be imposed as a condition for success. We listen to each student, as individual artists, to help them in their dancing career and life. Thanks to a self-care programme, we prevent injuries and strengthen each student, both mentally and physically.


Mosa Ballet School promotes a spirit of collaboration within the school.
The school is also a stepping stone towards the world. We are proud to weave a network of close partnerships with the best training centres, and the large national and international venues. It is thanks to this contact with such a variety of horizons that we best prepare students for their future professional reality.

What does
“conscious competition”
mean exactly?

The school’s base “conscious competition” reminds us that surely, you have to be competitive, demanding and put things at a higher level to be successful. But the idea is to be competing… with yourself. “Conscious competition” is what happens when you are competing to make the best out of yourself, in a positive way that is respectful to everybody. You then become not only a better dancer but also a better person: a future professional who is creative, independent, and has developed critical minds.

I wanted a school that integrates rather than divides. A school that anchors the students while giving wings to their talent. A school that innovates and constantly challenges itself through contact with other disciplines and artists from other horizons to prepare young dancers for a multiplicity of possibilities.

– Benjamine De Cloedt


Disciplines taught

Cassical Dance
Contemporary dance
Variations/ classical repertoire
Variations/contemporary repertoire
Pas de deux
Character dance
Choreographic workshops
 Muscular strengthening

Yoga and tai chi modules are also added, according to period.

Depending on the year of dance, the grid is completed by theoretical lessons in music, dance history, anatomy, nutrition, production, self management or classical dance pedagogy.

This list is indicative and subject to change.

The dance classes are taught in English but the general education is given in French.

For enrolled students who wish to familiarise themselves with the language, Mosa Ballet School offers an Intensive French Course just before the start of each school year, during the month of August. These courses are run by experienced teachers and students are divided into small groups according to their level. French language support is also provided throughout the first part of the school year for those who feel the need.

School holidays

Our students can also train during school holidays if they wish. These holidays are divided into 4X2 weeks per year: autumn, winter, relaxation and spring holidays. Non-compulsory ballet classes are then organised at the school.

Participation in these classes is included in the annual registration fee
; there is no extra charge for our students.

If an intensive course is organised by the school during these periods, our students can take the classical course free of charge. If they enrol for the whole intensive course, they will receive a pro rata reduction in price.

During the summer (July and August), intensive courses are also organised. Our students are welcome to participate in these if they wish, but they are charged the same registration fee as other participants.

A determined duo
A common vision

The team behind the school believes that excellence can be achieved by any talented dancer who is prepared to commit their body and soul.
Its members are passionate about pedagogy, and determined to reconcile excellence and humanity to inspire every student at Mosa Ballet School.