Symposium Day 1 - Online

Dance & Health Annual Symposium

Annual Symposium - Day 1 - Online conferences
25.00 € 25.0 EUR
Early Bird Price

Dance & Health Annual Symposium - Online conferences

From 9:00am till 3:30pm - Program

Language: French/English with simultaneous translation

9.00am - Welcome words by Damien Comeliau, Co-Founder, Vice-President and Managing Director, Mosa Ballet School, and Laura Dethier, Societal Impact Program Manager, Mosa Ballet School

9.15am - Introduction by Frédérique Bernard, Physical activity and intimacy expert from the Fondation contre le Cancer and oncology physiotherapist

9.45am - Conferences

  • La danse comme outil pour la prise en soin des personnes affectées par le cancer by David Rodriguez, Project leader of Dansons la vie!
  • Talk by Emily Jenkins, Artist and Founder of Move Dance Feel & Women Who Dance
  • La danse thérapie dans le parcours du patient en cancérologie by Shéhérazade Boyer-Tami, Dance therapist, Psychosomatist, Managing Director of Institut Rafaël Santé Intégrative, and Dr. Alain Toledano, Oncologist-radiotherapist at the Hartmann Centre, President of the Institut Rafael and Director of the Integrative Health Chair, Conservatoire National Arts & Métiers
  • Talk by Dr. Peter Lovatt, Dance Psychologist

2.00pm - Screening of Danse Demain, documentary by Dounia Zellou

This event is online only. If you would like to attend in person, you can find all the information  here.

Date & Time
September 20, 2024
3:00 AM 7:00 AM

Quand on Danse