Discovery dance workshops for our seniors


Entrez dans la danse!

Because dancing is good for your health and because there's no age limit for getting started, Quand on Danse is delighted to announce the programme of our next discovery workshops for seniors in 2023!  

Saturday 29 April: Folk dance discovery workshop and folk ball.

Hosted by Aurélie Giet

musical accompaniment by Marinette Bonnert and Pierre Challe (diatonic accordions)

Saturday 03 June: NIA dance discovery workshop

With Chantal and Micheline Collier

Sunday 24 September: Ballet discovery workshop

With Emmanuelle Hubaut

Saturday 18 November: Discovery workshop in modern dance and sitting dance

With Fanny Libertoscioli

More information below

Ateliers découvertes

Please note that registration is required!

Dance in nursing houses