Visual feedback on the Dance & Parkinson training (3-4/2/2024)

At the beginning of February, we have the opportunity to welcome Maïté Guérin (Care to Dance) back to the Mosa Ballet School for a two-day training, open to dance and movement professionals. 

This training, organized in collaboration with Dance for PD® and the Quand on Danse program, allowed participants to become familiar with the method. The goal is to enable people affected by Parkinson's disease to dance, respecting their needs. In total, nearly fifteen people attended this training.

At the end of the weekend, the participants were joined by several students from the Mosa Ballet School and dancers from the Dance for Parkinson's class in Liège. The training concluded with a moment of exchanging thoughts and feelings. 

Some dancers have shared with us that dancing has gradually improved their mood and physical condition. So, we can say that the goal has been achieved! 

We thank Maïté for her professionalism as well as the participants for their willingness to participate. 

For those who couldn't attend: more similar training sessions will be offered soon !

More information about Care to Dance here

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